20.02.2017 16:02

Contractor’s Obligations and Fitness Centers / Personal Trainers

Many fitness centers buy services from the same Personal Trainers over a substantial period of time. These contracts may cause the parties to fall under the obligations set forth in the the Act on the Contractor’s Obligations and Liability when Work is Contracted Out.

These obligations may apply if the fitness center buys services from a human resources company, or if the work done by the subcontractor is of such nature, that it replaces work done by the contractor.

The contractor must, among other things, check

  • The subcontractor’s details in the registers for employers and income taxation
  • The subcontractor’s details in the VAT-register
  • The subcontractor’s details in the business register
  • That the subcontractor has no unpaid taxes
  • That the subcontractor has the legally required insurance for its employees, and that the insurance fees have been paid

We can help fitness and personal trainers by getting the necessary information, thereby allowing you to focus on more productive things!

To get help or more information, please contact us on cash-in@cash-in.fi or 0207 701 501.