10.12.2019 10:12

Cash-In Consulting acquires Lakiasiaintoimisto Business-Laki LBL's business operations

Cash-In Consulting Ab Oy has entered into a business purchase agreement with Lakiasiaintoimisto Business-Laki LBL Oy regarding their debt collection operations on the 4th of December 2019. LBL’s personnel will be moving to Cash-In as continuing employees.

Through the acquisition, Cash-In aims to increase its presence in the Etelä-Pohjanmaa region. Cash-In has provided services in debt collection and business administration since 1985.

“This acquisition opens up many new opportunities for LBL, and for LBL’s current clients as well. We have seen strong growth in the past few years, and extending our business in the Etelä-Pohjanmaa region is a logical next step for us. We welcome LBL’s employees into our organization, and look forward to working together with them.” says Cash-In CEO Michael Söder.

LBL’s clients will be able to use Cash-In´s versatile debt collection services and modern, web-based solutions, as well as an increased selection of business administration services.

“Through this agreement we will be getting access to new modern solutions and support from a larger organization.” says Juha Uusi-Kokkila, the entrepreneur behind LBL, about the background to the acquisition.

“LBL’s clients will be getting access to a larger portfolio of services, and will be getting new opportunities for developing their own businesses. In addition to our debt collection services, we will be able to offer them services such as invoice life cycle management, credit scores, Cash-In Finance and legal services.” says Antti Tervo, Service Manager at Cash-In.

The business acquisition will not affect Cash-In´s current clients.

Further information from:

Michael Söder, CEO, Cash-In Consulting Oy Ab
Phone 0207 701 701, michael.soder@cash-in.fi

Juha Uusi-Kokkila, Entrepreneur, Lakiasiaintoimisto Business-Laki LBL Oy
Phone 050 066 0591, kokkila@lbl.fi

Cash-In Consulting Oy Ab was founded in 1985, and provides expertise in the fields of debt collection and business administration. The range of services includes claim management, financial services and administration. Cash-In is a member of both the Finnish Association of Debt Collection Firms and the Association of Finnish Accounting Firms. Cash-In is a part of the DL Companies, with over 100 employees. DL is in turn a part of the Nordic Confirma Software Group.

Lakiasiaintoimisto Business-Laki LBL Oy is a company based in Seinäjoki and founded in 1992. LBL has a lengthy experience in debt collection, and during this time supported thousands of creditor clients with their collection needs. LBL has also provided various services within business consulting and legal services.